In Digimon Survive, you will find yourself in a delicate situation in the class inside an abandoned school, looking for an alcohol for promotion in the game. The web with which you are faced with is impossible to cut, but re hints that you need to find vinegar to advance further in Digimon Survive. This leadership will tell where you will find vinegar to take a wind lamp.
where to find vinegar in Digimon Survive
Since you are looking for the whereabouts of a bottle with vinegar, let's just delve into it. As expected, vinegar can be found in the school dining room, so go there. Once in the cafe, look for a locker in the far left corner of the room.
Explore and open the cabinet to get a bottle of vinegar. Then you will return to the classroom and use vinegar on the web in which the alcohol is located.
After some time, vinegar softens the web, and Agumon can easily cut it. After that, you can get a bottle of alcohol. A bottle of alcohol that you have just acquired is actually a very useful thing that you will need very soon.
Continuing your expedition in an abandoned school, you will face your first battle with the boss against Dokugmon. It may seem that it is impossible to defeat the boss, but during the battle you can use the bottle of the spirit that you recently took, which will cause additional damage to the boss, which will make it more controlled.
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